Home Tourism Lake Kastoria

Lake Kastoria

by Hello From Greece

The city of Kastoria can thank Orestiada, the magnificent lake where all travelers create unique memories, for part of its beauty. You could say that it is the treasure of the city, a real jewel, around which it spreads, in addition to squares and parks, also an easy road of about 7 kilometers on which you can go around the lake, either on foot or by car. As you walk along the cobbled paths, you can admire the unique natural beauty of the lake which is equally unique in all seasons.

Lake Orestiada in Kastoria is morphologically considered the most beautiful lake in Greece and has been named a “Memorial of Natural Beauty” by the Ministry of Culture. The lake’s natural basin, which is surrounded by mountains with excellent geomorphology, constitutes a unique wetland. It is a wetland of great importance for aquatic organisms but also for the birds of prey that use the area for reproduction, nutrition and resting. It has a rich avifauna, which includes rare and endangered species. Specifically: Pygmy Cormorant, White Pelican, Dalmatian Pelican, Great White Ergot, Glossy Ibis, Goose, Marsh Hawk, Whiskers, etc.

Many species of fish live in the lake – among others – bream, butterfly fish, pike, and of course there are also many fishermen who use traditional boats (without a keel) to get far into the lake, but also those who fish with a rod along the lake.

The lake is located at 630 meters above sea level and is the eleventh largest lake in Greece. It is a natural lake and it is estimated that it was formed 5,000,000 years ago. Today it extends to 28 sq km and has a maximum depth of 12 metres. The average temperature is 22 degrees Celsius. It has joined the European network “NATURA 2000” as a place of special natural beauty.

*When? Whatever season you love. Lake Orestiada is always enchanting. In spring and autumn, it enchants with the colors of the foliage, the liveliness of the birdsong. In winter it freezes for about fifteen days. In fact, back in the day, the ice was so thick that it is said that loaded wagons passed over it. In the summer, you can swim in its waters. In all seasons, the rowers will be there with the strength and speed of those who know how to “run” its waters…

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