by Hello From Greece


Terms of use for Medelhavets Produktion & Events HB digital media

“Medelhavets Produktion & Events HB.” – hereinafter referred to as “HelloFromGreece” – offers its services, in connection to the unification of all its websites, under the following terms of use which the visitor / user of these websites is encouraged to read carefully and to visit / use its pages / services only if they are accepted in their entirety.


“HelloFromGreece” provides visitors / users of its websites with a rich collection of services, pages, options and / or resources including various communication tools, e-commerce services, electronic websites and communication between users, and personal services pages. The pages of its websites contain advertisements of all kinds. Existing as well as any new services that will be included in the future are covered by these terms of use, which apply to all digital websites owned by “HelloFromGreece” and apply to all services provided. The visitor / user of the services understands and accepts that all pages / services are provided “as is” and “HelloFromGreece” disclaims all responsibility for limited time, deletion, poor performance or inability to electronically store data from users and / or any content on personal pages / services.

“HelloFromGreece” may voluntarily change the content of its websites at any time, discontinue the services provided and / or create new ones without having to notify visitors / users in advance and without having to change these terms. The visitor / user is responsible for access to the services even when payment of fees to third parties is required (eg internet providers, internet fee). “HelloFromGreece” bears no responsibility either from a technical point of view or any fees to be paid. The visitor / user is only responsible for paying the associated fees. The visitor / user is also solely responsible for his personal equipment with the necessary technical means that allow him to access the services and websites of “HelloFromGreece”.

These terms of use also include the privacy policy, which explains how to handle personal data for visitors / users, in accordance with Swedish legislation on the protection of individuals in the processing of personal data (Law (2018:218) laying down supplementary provisions on Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation – GDPR)).


If the visitor / user wishes to create an account for any of the services of “HelloFromGreece”, with which he will be given access to all websites, the visitor / user agrees to: a) provide true, correct, valid and complete information requested in the relevant applications in order to be able to access the aggregate login page of “HelloFromGreece” and its specific content / services and b) maintains and carefully updates its login information to keep true, correct, valid, updated and complete information. In the database, the visitor / user must indicate whether he wants to receive information material only from “HelloFromGreece” or not.


“HelloFromGreece” provides – through its websites – membership services to its users who accept the terms of use and complete the process of creating an account. When the visitor / user has completed the registration process, he / she will receive a confirmation email of a personal password and the username he / she has entered. Users remain personally responsible for the actions that take place with their profile (personal passwords, usernames) and generally their user account. Users agree to immediately notify “HelloFromGreece” of any unauthorized use of their account and of any occurrence and / or possible security breach. Users are also personally responsible for ensuring that their account is used correctly and that they log out at the end of each use.

“HelloFromGreece” is not responsible for and is in no way obligated to pay compensation for any damage or loss that arises due to the user’s / visitor’s inability to respect and comply with this clause. Once the account has been created, it cannot be deleted.


The visitor / user has the right to object (according to a. 21 GDPR) regarding the registration of his personal data and ask the website to correct or delete his personal data, as well as to remove him as a member of the website . This application is sent via e-mail on the contact form for each website and in accordance with what is stated in these terms. The site must respond within fifteen (15) days.


It is mutually acceptable and understood that even if “HelloFromGreece” provides its users / members with the necessary technical infrastructure and means to upload / publish content, all information, data, texts, graphics, photos, images, music files, videos, messages and all content, whether published publicly or privately, is the responsibility of the individual or legal person from whom the content comes. This means that the user is personally responsible for all content that is published, sent, transmitted or otherwise made available through the services of “HelloFromGreece”.

“HelloFromGreece” cannot, due to the amount of content, control all content published by its users on the Website, and thus cannot guarantee the accuracy, integrity, legality or quality of such content. The user understands and accepts that by using the services of “HelloFromGreece” he may be exposed to offensive, immoral or illegal content. Under no circumstances may “HelloFromGreece” be held liable for any errors or omissions in any content or for any damage or loss that may arise from the use of any content that is published, transmitted or otherwise made available by users / members of services of “HelloFromGreece“.

In the event that “HelloFromGreece” is notified that any content causes moral or other harm to third parties, “HelloFromGreece” reserves the right to immediately delete this content and at the same time terminate the user account that violates these terms.

Users agree not to use the “HelloFromGreece” services for:

1. Posting, publishing, transmitting, sending or using any other method to post content that is illegal, harmful, threatening, offensive, defamatory, vulgar, violent, offensive, racist or otherwise reprehensible and violates the privacy of others, causes feelings of hatred and / or any other criminal offense.

2. To harm minors in any way.

3. Imitation of any legal or natural person or false statement about the user / member’s identity or misleading statement regarding the relationship and / or cooperation between the user / member with another legal or natural person.

4. Counterfeiting or other alteration of user / member ID to mislead as to the origin of the content transmitted through the “HelloFromGreece” services.

5. Posting, publishing, transmitting, sending or using any other method to install content by a person who is not entitled to make such content available by law or on a confidential basis.

6. Posting, publishing, transmitting, sending or using any other method to install software or content of any kind (text, image, sound, video, animation) that infringes the copyright of any device (including trade secrets).

7. Post, publish, send, transmit or use any other method to install unwanted or unauthorized advertising or other advertising content for products, send unsolicited and uninvited emails and any other form of unsolicited advertising content.

8. Post, publish, send, transmit or otherwise use any method of installation and / or marketing and / or distribution of content containing digital viruses or other electronic code, files or programs designed to disrupt, destroy or restrict the operation of any software or computer equipment or telecommunications equipment.

9. Interruption of the services or interruptions in the services or servers or networks connected to the services of “HelloFromGreece”, or breaches of the terms, procedures and rules for the use of these networks.

10. Breach, with or without intent, of any local, national, European, international law and / or rule that has legal force and affects and / or covers any service from “HelloFromGreece”. ¨

11. Harassment in any way of other users ‘privacy and individual and social rights (such as the collection and / or storage of other users’ personal data). The user of the “HelloFromGreece” services understands and accepts that “HelloFromGreece” does not make a preliminary check of the content, but that “HelloFromGreece” and its authorized partners reserve the right (and not the obligation) to refuse to post / publish or move or delete all content available through the services of “HelloFromGreece”.

In addition, “HelloFromGreece” and its responsible partners reserve the right to delete any content that violates these Terms of Use. The user understands and accepts that he must evaluate and be responsible for any risks that may arise from the use of any content, including any decision to rely on the accuracy, completeness and / or usefulness of any content. In this regard, the user understands and accepts that he may not rely on the content created by “HelloFromGreece” or posted on its website, including the information available on the “HelloFromGreece” websites, user pages and all other services of “HelloFromGreece”. The user understands and accepts the international character of the Internet and undertakes to respect and follow the ethical rules that apply locally in each country. The user is obliged to faithfully comply with the legislation regarding the transfer of data from Sweden and Europe to third countries.


The user who uses the services of “HelloFromGreece” to post and / or publish information, data, texts, graphics, photos, images, music files, videos, messages, gives “HelloFromGreece”, the permission during the period of which this content is a part of the services of “HelloFromGreece”, to use the space where the content has been published for advertising purposes. The user who posts and / or publishes information, data, texts, graphics, photos, images, music files, videos, messages agrees to “HelloFromGreece” posting and / or publishing advertisements on relevant pages / services. “HelloFromGreece” is not responsible for the visitors’ / users’ communication with third party service providers advertised on its own websites, as well as for any commercial transactions that may arise from their relationship.


The user of the “HelloFromGreece” website understands and accepts that only he personally bears the responsibility to compensate “HelloFromGreece” and its partners for all legal disputes that arise between the website and third parties due to the content that the user makes available for posting, publication or other transmission through the services of “HelloFromGreece”.


“HelloFromGreece” reserves the right to change and / or temporarily or permanently disable some or all of its services with or without notice to users. NOTE: A member account is automatically deleted after 12 months of non-use of any service. After deletion, “Username in “HelloFromGreece “(User ID)” is released so that it can be used by other new members.


The user understands and accepts that “HelloFromGreece” reserves the exclusive right to terminate the use of his / her password and / or to suspend the provision of content to those users who have acted in violation of the letter and spirit of the terms.


“HelloFromGreece” is not responsible for the user’s communications with third party service providers advertised in “HelloFromGreece” and for any commercial transactions that may arise from their relationship.


Apart from the express exceptions (copyright of third parties, collaborators and operators), all content contained in “HelloFromGreece” on all websites, including images, graphics, photographs, drawings, texts, services and in general all its files on the website, are intellectual property rights, registered trademarks and service marks of “HelloFromGreece” are protected by relevant provisions of Greek law, European law and international conventions and treaties. Therefore, none of them may be sold, copied, modified, reproduced, reposted or “uploaded”, transmitted or distributed in any way in whole or in part. Individual storage of a single copy of the content on a simple personal computer, for personal and not public or commercial use and without removing the indication of origin from “HelloFromGreece”, without in any way affecting relevant intellectual property and industrial property is considered an exception. The other products or services mentioned on the websites of this hub and bearing trademarks of their respective organizations, companies, partners, associations or publications, are their own intellectual and industrial property and therefore these bodies bear the relevant responsibility. The user understands and accepts that he is not given the right to reproduce, copy, sell, resell and / or in any way use all or part of the content in “HelloFromGreece”.


Given the nature and volume of the Internet, “HelloFromGreece” is in no way liable for any harm caused by the visitor / user of the pages, services, options and content of “HelloFromGreece” which he visits on his own initiative, including negligence. The contents of “HelloFromGreece” are provided “as is” without any warranty expressed or implied in any way. “HelloFromGreece” denies to the fullest extent possible and in accordance with the law, all warranties expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, those that imply marketability and suitability for a particular purpose. “HelloFromGreece” does not guarantee that the pages, services, options and content will be provided without interruption, without error and that the errors will be corrected. “HelloFromGreece” also does not warrant that the same or any other of the related websites or servers through which they are made available to users / members, does not contain “viruses” or other harmful components. “HelloFromGreece” in no way guarantees the accuracy, completeness or availability of the content, pages, services, options or their results. The cost of any corrections or services is borne by the visitor / user and in no case by “HelloFromGreece”.


The content and information in “HelloFromGreece” is offered to the visitor / user of “HelloFromGreece” and in general to all Internet users and can in no way be interpreted as valid information and / or advice or can in any case be considered a request for specific or non-specific actions. “HelloFromGreece” undertakes the collection, processing and distribution of its content, but in no case guarantees its perfection, completeness, suitability and general acceptability and the absence of possible errors, all the more so due to its particularly large content, as well as the participation of third parties (natural or legal persons) during its primary production and collection. Therefore, those who visit / use “HelloFromGreece” on their own initiative have a personal responsibility to check the authenticity of the information provided.


“HelloFromGreece” does not control the availability, content, privacy policy, quality and completeness of the services on other websites and pages to which it refers through links, hyperlinks or advertising banners. Therefore, in case of problems that arise during visits / use of other websites, the user must go directly to the respective websites and pages, which are fully responsible for the provision of their services. Under no circumstances can it be construed as “HelloFromGreece” endorsing or accepting the content or services of the websites and pages to which it refers or links in any other way.


“HelloFromGreece” enables its visitors / users to purchase services and / or products through e-commerce applications in accordance with the specific conditions it sets and protects the personal data provided for the use of these services. “HelloFromGreece” is not responsible for the quality of the goods obtained through e-commerce applications and the transaction binds the visitor / user and the company that provides goods or services, exclusively. Therefore, “HelloFromGreece” may in no case be involved in any relevant legal dispute arising out of this transaction. In cases where e-commerce applications are carried out between users / members and “HelloFromGreece”, “HelloFromGreece” is obliged to comply with The Act on Distance Contracts and Off-Premises Contracts (2005:59). Thus, “HelloFromGreece” is obliged to inform its potential customers about a) the essential characteristics of the goods and / or services it offers, b) the price, c) the quantity and the transport costs, d) the VAT if it is not included in the price, e) method of payment, f) method of delivery and execution, g) the period of validity of the offer or price and h) the right of withdrawal. Access to the “HelloFromGreece” pages / services does not incur any additional costs in addition to the cost of generally having the Internet provided by the authorized providers (ISPs) and paid only to them.


“HelloFromGreece” gives visitors / users of its services the opportunity to express their opinion on current issues that it formulates in the form of questions. The participants’ answers are recorded, analyzed and commented on by “HelloFromGreece” to draw conclusions about the tendencies of public opinion in relation to the specific issue being put to the vote. “HelloFromGreece” reserves the exclusive right to collect and use this information and the findings it leads to are its intellectual property.


The above conditions for the use of “HelloFromGreece”, as well as all changes to these, are regulated by and supplemented by Swedish law, EU law and relevant international treaties. Any provision of the above terms is contrary to law, automatically ceases to be valid and is removed from here, without in any way affecting the validity of the other terms. This constitutes the entire agreement between “HelloFromGreece” and the visitor / user of its pages and services and binds them only. No changes to these terms will be considered and will not form part of this agreement unless formulated in writing and incorporated into it.