Home Culture Museums of the city

Museums of the city

by Hello From Greece

The visitor can see many important Museums in Thessaloniki in order to enrich his knowledge both for the past and for the present of the city.

I suggest you choose between the following:

Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki

-Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki

It houses one of the largest collections of antiquities in Macedonia, from the prehistoric period to the Roman era.

-Museum of Byzantine Culture of Thessaloniki

It has been honored with the Museum Prize in 2005 by the Council of Europe and hosts a rich collection of works and relics of Byzantine and post-Byzantine art.

-White Tower Museum

It is the museum of the city. The White Tower is the trademark of the city and stands proudly on the seafront.

-Museum of the Roman Agora

Cave Museum in the Ancient Agora which houses finds of the area.

-Museum of the Macedonian Race in Thessaloniki

It is a reference point for the Macedonian Race and is housed in the historic building of the then Greek Consulate.

-Folklore and Ethnological Museum of Macedonia-Thrace

The folklore museum of the city, with exhibits of the traditional folk culture of Northern Greece.

-Museum of Modern Art

It houses one of the most important collections of contemporary art, meaning the collection of Georgios Kostakis with works of art of the Russian Avant-Garde of the 20s and was acquired in 1997.

-Macedonian Museum of Contemporary Art

The first museum of contemporary art founded in Greece. It covers all areas of contemporary art, and houses 2000 works and a rich library.

-Municipal Gallery of Thessaloniki (Casa Bianca)

It houses collections of engravings, icons, works by Thessaloniki artists, works of Modern Greek Art and works by Nikolaos Gyzis.

-Aristotle Museum of Natural History of Thessaloniki

It is a museum of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, located on Pier A in the Port of Thessaloniki and houses the university collections of fossils, minerals, plants, animals and insects.

-Ataturk Museum of Thessaloniki

Visitable after consultation at the house of the founder of the modern Turkish state.

-Center for the Historical Judaism of Thessaloniki

It is the museum of the history and the Holocaust of the Jewish community of the city.

-Crypt Museum of the Church of Agios Dimitrios

The eastern part of the large Roman bath that was converted in early Christian times into a chapel and holy water.

-Science Dissemination Center and NOISIS Technology Museum

It is the largest technological museum in Greece, also known as the Planetarium or Noisis.

-Railway Museum

It is located in Eleftherio – Kordelio and includes wagons of the Orian Express as well as many historical monuments of the history of the railways in Greece.

-Tellogleio Foundation of Arts

Multi-space exhibitions and events under the auspices of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.

-Cinema Museum

It is housed in a historic warehouse of the port of the city and it exhibits cinematic objects and a reference to the history of Greek cinema.

-Museum of Photography of Thessaloniki

Photographic imprint of modern Greek history and folklore with exhibition space for contemporary photographic art.

-Radio Museum

The history of Radio through authentic exhibits and supervisory material.

-Olympic Museum of Thessaloniki

Also known as the Sports Museum, with exhibits and presentations related to the Olympic Games and sports.

-War Museum

Museum of the memory of the struggles of the Greeks of modern history with a special exhibition space dedicated to the Anti-dictatorship Resistance.

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