Home News & Interviews Demetris Karavassilis: A technocrat in the management of tourism

Demetris Karavassilis: A technocrat in the management of tourism

by Hello From Greece

The name Dimitris Karavasilis has been closely linked to tourism and not without reason. Almost 20 years in the management of the two biggest hotels in Alexandroupolis, he knows tourism better than anyone and during the interview talking to www.hellofromgreece.se he explained exactly how it all works… The successful director of Grecotel Astir and Egnatia hotels in Alexandroupolis, referred to the two years of the pandemic and its effects on a global level, he talked about the day after and the natural beauty that exists in Evros, which still has a lot to offer European tourism.

Mr. Karavasilis, I guess the period 2020 to 2022 was probably the most difficult for the hospitality industry…

It was indeed a very difficult period, not only for the hotels but in general for the whole country. On the one hand, we had the economic crisis and the incidents on the border with Turkey, which created a very unpleasant situation for our country, in terms of attracting visitors, and on the other hand, the pandemic came; which was something that affected everyone globally.

But not all countries were equally affected by the pandemic…

It is logical and one would expect that countries that are economically stronger and more developed than some others have handled and can handle covid-19 more effectively and with fewer losses. They overcame the crisis of the pandemic with fewer shocks, compared to countries that do not have the same economic power on the world map.

Do you think we as a country were prepared for this?

For something like this and in such a large extent, I don’t think any of us were ever prepared; neither on a personal nor on business level. And for this reason – especially in the first year of the pandemic – we saw many countries on their knees economically, unable to cope with everything that we experienced and facing enormous problems, which had an impact in other areas as well

A truly impressive panoramic view of the two hotels

Do you think Alexandroupolis handled this whole situation well?

The pandemic crisis has, as we all know, created enormous problems in all the economies of the world, and even more so in Greece and especially in small towns like Alexandroupolis. Despite all this, I believe that due to the responsibility shown by the townspeople, the seriousness they showed in dealing with covid-19, as well as the very correct and immediate response of the employees of our university hospital, with all the medical and nursing staff, it went very well for Alexandroupolis from a health point of view. Especially as we now know the great economic consequences that this situation had and continues to have for the whole world.

Were the last two years more difficult for Alexandroupolis?

Due to its geographical location, in addition to covid-19 and all its consequences, Alexandroupolis also had to face a major migration crisis at the border with Turkey. The deterioration of relations with the neighboring country significantly affected tourist and commercial activity, which resulted in a further decrease in the economic indicators of our region. We hope that the situation will normalize soon and that we will return to the path of development. Of course, the international environment in general makes it difficult and does not help enough in this direction.

Do you think that we as a city have been affected more or less than other areas?

As I mentioned above, the geographic location of Alexandroupolis is special. The fact that it is accessible by all means of transport, helped our city to cope much faster than other regions of our country and especially the Greek islands. Our region’s proximity to the Balkan Peninsula has been and continues to be a powerful development and economic tool in our hands.

The hotel’s suites with their own pool, which can satisfy even the most demanding guests

You mentioned previously the important role played by the University Hospital of Alexandroupolis (PGNA) in this whole situation.

Exactly; all those who responded immediately and effectively during the pandemic deserve a big thank you. From day one, PGNA was on the front line and demonstrated a safety and calmness, which both the residents of our region and those who visited our town and city needed.

I read a statement in one of your previous interviews, where you said that we will return to a normalcy in the middle of 2022… I think you fell right in your predictions.

At the time, this scenario or, as you said, this prediction seemed somewhat optimistic. Fortunately, I was right and indeed we see that the tourist season for 2022 has started very dynamically. And in fact, this is done at such a level that this year we were also able to compete with the 2019 tourist season, which was one of the best and most profitable for our country. Let’s hope this trend continues and why not get even better.

But covid-19 is still in our lives…

The fact that the tourist season has started strongly for our country does not in any way mean that we are leaving the pandemic and our individual responsibility behind us. Covid-19 remains in our lives, yet we are now prepared, have the experience and knowledge to deal with it and have the structures and means to deal with and contain it. We never forget our individual responsibility to others, whether they are citizens or visitors to our city.

With a big smile that shows he knows tourism well, Dimitris Karavasilis welcomed us to his office

How would you describe Alexandroupolis as a holiday destination? What is the strength of the city and the Evros area?

Alexandroupolis and Evros in general is a very attractive destination. Every single one of our visitors feels the hospitality and warmth of its inhabitants from the first moment. We must also not forget that in our area every visitor can get to know and experience the existence of two cultures (East and West). I think that in itself is a unique experience. In addition to this, our region is also endowed with a centuries-old history, which is combined with a rich natural environment, which fascinates every visitor, with the authenticity of the images and performances that they will experience. Alexandroupolis really covers the whole spectrum and activities of mass tourism, while offering alternative forms.

Can you give us some examples?

The ecosystems found in the area, such as the Evros Delta and the Dadia Forest, mountain roads, hiking, visits to monastery and church sites, our archaeological sites and agro-tourism, are some of the unique experiences that anyone can have in our area.

Is the effort and work being done for the city’s advertising and tourism development what the hoteliers and businessmen want?

This is a big topic that really sparks a lot of debate. When you are in the tourism industry, you see things in more detail. I believe that efforts to promote our region should be more coordinated and more specialized and of course this should be done by people who know and love our region, know tourism and of course its needs. In short, a lot of work is still needed in this area, as our region really needs and deserves it.

Modern aesthetics, elegance and comfort are the elements that characterize the Grecotel Astir and Egnatia hotels in Alexandroupolis

You have been in the hotel business for several years. In your experience, what could be done better to promote Alexandroupolis and Evros in general?

Things are very simple and what we really can’t come and say that… we have discovered something…

Clear goals must be set, regarding the markets that are of interest to our country

There must be a very clear and targeted marketing plan

To promote our region in time

I believe that we must have a rational pricing policy for companies in the tourism sector and market satisfaction in terms of the relationship between quality and price (cost)

And finally, we should be ready to continuously meet the needs of the market, as they change at a rapid pace. It is very important to have a clear picture of the new trends and requirements…

What else needs to be done besides advertising?

Certainly, the harmonious cooperation between local authorities, the state and organizations and companies involved in tourism contributes to further development. It is also important to create tourist poles, so that they are an incentive for people to visit them. Better tourism education is also another powerful tool for developing tourism. To all this can be added the improvement of all images of the infrastructure, which supports and is directly related to tourism.

So there is room for even better things in Evros…

There is always such a possibility. After all, the best is the enemy of the good…

The tourist season has begun. Will this year be a busy summer for Alexandroupolis?

So far, the picture is very encouraging. Both the amount of tourists and the revenue so far, can compete with the tourist season of 2019, which was one of the best for our country. And of course we hope for an even better sequel.

A state-of-the-art gym awaits anyone looking to stay in shape over the holiday season

Have the events in Ukraine and the war with Russia affected the tourist movement this year?

It has been affected quite a lot and so I think our encouraging image this year gets even more value. There is a lack of tourists from Ukraine and Russia, while the entry of tourists from Turkey has also been affected. The movement in the Turkish market is at a very low level, due to the internal problems in the neighboring country and in combination with the fall of the Turkish lira and the relations with our country, it is realized that the arrival of tourists is rightly somewhat limited this year.

Which countries have preferred our city this year?

There are many visitors from Bulgaria, Romania and the countries of the former Yugoslavia. Unfortunately, the Russian and Turkish markets are quite missing. Like the former Soviet union countries, which in 2019 had gained a significant share of the tourist market in our city.

Dimitris Karavasilis is optimistic about the future of tourism in Alexandroupolis and Evros.

In closing, I would like a comment from you and a wish for the summer…

It is important for all of us to understand that at some point we must acquire tourism knowledge, because the visitor can now compare the areas he visits with others, to compare places, behaviors and options offered to him. We must year after year improve and upgrade all the structures and means we have. I hope and wish that this summer marks the beginning of a new tourism page, both for our region and for our country.

Marni Hadjiemanouil

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