Home News & Interviews A big Greek embrace

A big Greek embrace

by Hello From Greece

On December 15 and 16, a delegation from the region of Eastern Macedonia-Thrace visited Stockholm in an attempt to promote the region’s development in new foreign markets.

At the restaurant “Mykonos”, the delegation had the opportunity to meet tour operators, journalists and Greek businessmen, and to present their planning for the foreign markets of the Region’s tourist destinations, in collaboration with Mediterranean Production & Events, which undertook the implementation of this in collaboration with the Greek Tourism Organization’s (EOT) local offices in Scandinavia.

Present at the event were the Deputy Governor of Region of Eastern Macedonia and Thrace, Athanasios Tsonis, officials from the region, the Director of the local office of the Greek Tourism Organization (EOT) in Scandinavia, Mr. Bourbas, officials from the Greek Embassy under the leadership of Trade Attaché Pavlos Olziersky, the Vice President of Solna municipality, Georgios Kontorinis, the deputy municipal manager in Östersund municipality, Efi Kourlos, journalists and businessmen.

The presentation in the Swedish market of the region of Eastern Macedonia-Thrace was also combined with a B2B event held on 16 December 2022 at Lilla Circus, just before the big concert dedicated to Thanos Mikroutsikos where Manolis Mitsias, Rita Antonopoulou and Costas Thomaidis performed songs and melodies of the departed creator. Thanos Mikroutsikos’ wife and daughter were guests of honor and by their presence they honored the event, which was also arranged by Medelhavets Produktion och Events.

The event was also attended by Sweden’s former ambassador to Greece and current head of department for international trade and the EU’s internal market, Charlotte Sammelin with her husband, member of parliament Lars Mejern Larsson with his wife, deputy chairman of Östersund municipality, Efi Kourlos, deputy chairman of Solna municipality, Georgios Kontorinis, and Mr. Tasos and Theodoros Kefalidis from the large food company, Mini Ellada & Greek Gourmeterie.

On the side of the event, we had the opportunity to talk with the Deputy Regional Governor of Eastern Macedonia – Thrace, Thanasis Tsionis, who guided us through the beauties of the region and invited the Swedes to visit it to see for themselves the incredible beauty of the landscape that combines sea, mountains, sun and of course the incredible Greek hospitality.

Hello from Greece: Hello from Stockholm, and welcome to Sweden.

The Deputy Governor: Good evening, it’s nice to be here and thank you for the invitation

Hello from Greece: Tell us a little about the purpose of the visit.

The Deputy Governor: The region of Eastern Macedonia and Thrace now has a tourism-oriented strategic planning because the region really has all these comparative advantages that can support tourism. The truth is that for so many years we were unknown, but now we are showing extroversion and opening up to new markets.

One such market is Sweden and the countries of northern Europe. The area really combines all the qualities that can attract tourists 4 months of the year; we talk about sun and sea for the Greek summer, we talk about the mountain for hiking trails, we talk about many tourist products such as religious tourism, the way of the apostle Paul, we talk about the wine route as in Drama and in Pangaeo there are vineyards that produce wines that are famous worldwide.

This year we had the great joy that Soufli, which is located in the regional unit Evros, received the first prize and became famous throughout the world; we’re talking about the Silk Road, an area that produces silk the classic old way. Our goal is to highlight all these beauties and comparative advantages and attract people to our region.

Hello from Greece: Why should a Swede come, or someone from Scandinavia in general, why should he come to Eastern Macedonia and Thrace, what do you think will make him choose this region and not another region in Greece?

The Deputy Governor: First of all, the region covers all their needs, whatever their interests. For those who like walking tourism, we have many paths that are registered and digitized and can be walked safely. For those who like gastronomy, we have an incredible gastronomy, which is combined as I said before, with the wines of the region. For those who like sun and sea, there is a 440 km long coastline – we are the Northern Greek Riviera – and let’s not forget that we also have two incredible islands, Thassos and Samothrace, each with its own special characteristics.

Hello from Greece: Are you trying to cover the damage caused by Covid?

The Deputy Governor: I think Covid made us act faster and taught us to deal with crises faster. We are talking about a region that really showed responsibility by following all health protocols, because according to statistical data, our two islands, Thassos and Samothraki, were the only green ones in the Mediterranean in the midst of Covid. We have large hospitals, university hospitals in large cities, so the tourist can feel safe and certainly the area favors independent individual tourism, that is, we do not work with mass tourism models, so I think that with the health crisis that exists, the modern tourist wants a distance, also needs some isolation, so I think the area is suitable for something like that.

Hello from Greece: Does the region of Eastern Macedonia and Thrace only have Sweden in their plans or will these be extended to the other Scandinavian countries for example Denmark, Norway, Finland?

The Deputy Governor: For now, we are in Sweden; we are coming back to Sweden. Usually when we open a market we repeat the visit and we are stable and sustainable. In other words, we are not interested in taking many steps but few and steady in order to have results and be sustainable also for the region.

Hello from Greece: What did you think of Stockholm during the two days you were here?

The Deputy Governor: Stockholm is really a very beautiful city, although because of work we didn’t have time to see the city and walk around as much as we would have liked, the only disadvantage for us is the temperature, because we have learned in other temperatures, so I think that as far as Greece is concerned, more precisely our region, it is a very good period that we are in now for the Swede or the Northern European to visit us, especially now that we also have an energy crisis and the price of energy has skyrocketed , in other words, I think that the European from the northern countries needs a lower budget to spend in Greece during this corresponding period.

Hello from Greece: The truth is that it is cold this season, we didn’t expect it either, it was a bit of a surprise; but Christmas is coming- what do you wish for?

The Deputy Governor: The first thing I want and I think the most important thing, even if it’s trivial, is health, both physical and mental and psychological, because everything starts from psychology, so let’s be good and feel good, and I think that in that case, we can solve all other problems. I think this whole situation that we went through during these difficult years of Covid, which of course we haven’t overcome yet, made us better people and taught us to appreciate things that until recently we took for granted.

Hello from Greece: Will the war in Ukraine affect tourism?

The Deputy Governor: It has already affected tourism, that is, we in northern Greece had many people who came from Ukraine and Russia, of course this gap is filled at the moment by other markets, but this war situation definitely affects the energy that yes, the expenses for example, many companies who deal with tourism have exorbitant operating costs so it really affects and such situations are really not pleasant for anyone.

Hello from Greece: Shall we say a few words in closing about the event we have today for Thanos Mikroutsikos?

The Deputy Governor: I believe that Thanos Mikroutsikos is a big chapter for our country but also for the whole world with the music he has given us, I believe he lives and will continue to live through his songs and performances, and I believe and I am sure that today will be a wonderful night of remembrance which is important because after all whoever forgets means they are lost and so I think it will be a very beautiful night.

Hello from Greece: Let’s renew our spring and summer meeting in Stockholm where you will see a completely different face of this city.

The Deputy Governor: We shall not only renew our meeting in Stockholm, but you must also come to Greece and the region of Eastern Macedonia and Thrace; a video and a picture can be worth 1000 words, but whoever does not visit us in person cannot appreciate the hospitality, which we really have and also the very nice people who live in the area; so our home is open for you.

Hello from Greece: Thank you very much.

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